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Rain might have tried to steal the show in Cádiz, but the sun and smiles took the crown! ☀️☔️Grateful for the unforgettable moments and vibrant energy of this beautiful city😍. Cheers to adventures in every weather! 💎🔵 ádizChronicles ☀️


Rain might have tried to steal the show in Cádiz, but the sun and smiles took the crown! ☀️☔️Grateful for the unforgettable moments and vibrant energy of this beautiful city😍. Cheers to adventures in every weather! 💎🔵 ádizChronicles ☀️


Our student's travelled to a nice part of the world🇪🇸 but never once shyed away from extracting the cultural capital they will need for their live's beyond school. We had lots of fun but learnt a lot too! 💎🔵


Nothing to see here ladies and gents. Only a few cool students from the 67th highest performing secondary school out of 4,000+ secondaries, including grammar schools 😎✌️ 💎🔵


Nothing beats a school trip abroad 🛫 with your mates - new places to see, good vibes and memories that last a life time! 💎🔵



Looks like our HACH students are loving the new addition to the playground! ⚽️🎾 Football tennis is a hit! Even staff can't resist joining in on the fun😂! Summer is looking very promising! 💎🔵


Shout out to the wonderful women of the HACH family, students, staff, parents and the world! 💎🔵


We love seeing HACH students thrive outside of their school environment! 🔥 One of our Year 7 students has been awared 1st place with a new PB of 8.37, representing Thurrock Harriers in Athletics 🏃🥇 💎🔵


A huge thank you to Mr. Uddin for hosting our first Ramadan assembly! 🙌 Mr Uddin covered what Ramadan will look like at HACH. Staying true to the goal, they focused on their why, conduct, preparation, and how to make the most of the month of fasting 🌙🕌. 💎🔵


Disneyland Paris students have just arrived at Dover! ETA: 6:00PM @ HACH Car park 💎🔵


Beyond the classroom, we adventure together! Hach students & staff creating lasting bonds and unforgettable experiences at Disneyland Paris🇫🇷. So proud to be part of this team! 💎🔵#HachCircle


HACH are officially on French 🇫🇷 soil🫡! 💎🔵


Good afternoon everyone! A few inbound🛫 and outbound 🛬⛴️ HACH trips! Pompeii students have returned💪 Year 10 and 11 students still enjoying Iceland🇮🇸 Students are en route to Disney Land Paris 🇫🇷 💎🔵


Heading back, after a day full of activities in Naples. Underground tunnels with gigantic water cisterns and exploring some Greek mythology at Naples Museum. Parents, we are about to take off


Yesterday’s adventures at Capri island. Hiking and exploring the secret gems of the island.


🚨Character Merit Shop🚨 Well done to everyone who left home with goodies🍬🏆🥇 from your efforts going above & beyond🚀 in and around the academy all year round! 💎🔵


Breathtaking views of Positano and Amalfi coast and the ancient city Poseidonia or Paestum with its gigantic temples.


Good evening year 11 HACH families! Just a quick message to let you know that Year 11s and staff have landed safely in Iceland 😍🙌 We’re looking forward to the fun and exploration! 💎🔵



Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Safeguarding is everyones’ responsibility


If you suspect a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police on 999 

Members of the public are also able to make direct referrals to social care. 

Please find below details of Children’s services in our local area. 

To make a report to social care after 5pm during the week or at the weekend please call the Local Authority emergency out-of-hours line: 

NSPCC 0808 800 5000  Childline (18 or under) 0800 1111  


Mrs Downey – Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL), Prevent Lead and Mental Health Lead 

01375 484580 / 

Please contact Mrs Downey, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, to report safeguarding concerns, including extremism and radicalisation and mental health concerns to discuss worries or discover more about how the Academy safeguards students, parents/carers, and staff. 









The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) are: Mrs Tree and Ms Gardner 


01375 484580/ 









01375 484580/  


Please see below the safeguarding team: 

SG Poster

 The Governor responsible for Child Protection is a Mr Phillipe Udrzal 

The Local Authority’s Children and Young Person Officer is PC Natalie Malone 42074369 
Telephone: 100 ext 364100 

The Thurrock LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) dealing with allegations against members of staff is Carole Fuller 
Telephone: 01375 652921 


Other Key Safeguarding Contacts:

Designated teacher for LAC 

Mrs McKenzie 

01375 4845980 

Harris Chafford Hundred Prevent Lead 

Mrs. Downey 

01375 484580 


Assistant Principal / Designated Teacher for Mental Health and Well-being 

Mrs. Downey 

01375 484580 

Medical Lead 

Mrs. C Jones 

01375 484580 

Attendance Officer 

Ms Keating 

01375 484580 

Chair of Governors and Nominated Governor for Safeguarding 

Mr. Philippe Udrzal 


The Local Authority’s Childrens and young person officer  

PC Natalie Malone 42074369 


Thurrock LADO 

(Local Authority Designated Officer) dealing with allegations against a member of staff 

01375 652921 






For safeguarding concerns about an adult, contact the person mentioned in the diagram below,  depending on who the concern is about.


If the allegations is about: 

You must report to: 

Assistant Director, Nicky Graham 

Rebecca Hickey Harris Federation Secondary Director 

A staff member in the Academy 

Assistant Director, Nicky Graham 

A student in the Academy 

Sarah Downey Assistant Principal and Designated Safeguarding Lead


The Pastoral Team  

At Harris Academy Chafford Hundred we have Designated Child Protection / Prevent Duty Lead and Safeguarding Officers who you can contact if you have any questions or concerns relating to either child protection or safeguarding. 

Every member of HACH staff has completed their child protection training in September 2023 and all have completed the Home Office - Prevent awareness course for all staff excluding those who started after and they completed the training as soon as they started. 

The Pastoral links for each year group are: 

Year 7

Miss Jay

Year 8 

Mr Mason

Year 9

Mr Gogo  

Year 10

Mr Balogun 

Year 11

Mrs Jassal

Year 12/13 
Ms Goode
Mrs Enever

Mental Health and Wellbeing 

We know the last few years have been challenging for our young people We thought it would be useful to signpost additional support that is available for those who need it.  

Useful Websites 



Self harm: 



Thurrock local safeguarding childcare partnership: 

Families can listen to these podcasts produced to help parents and carers understand mental health problems in young people

Harris Academy Chafford Hundred and the Prevent Duty 

The academy has a designated, accredited Prevent Duty Lead. The Prevent duty has two specific strategic objectives to safeguard our students against radicalisation, extremism and any actions or beliefs that are contrary to British Values and our academy ethos. 

1. Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it. 

2. Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support. 

HACH opposes all form of extremism. We define ‘extremism’ as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. 

This E-Learning training on Prevent offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. 

Harris Academy Chafford Hundred and “Channel” 

The academy will work closely with the counter-terrorism referral programme “Channel”. Channel is a multi-agency approach to identify and provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism. 

The programme uses a multi-agency approach to protect vulnerable people by: 

  • identifying individuals at risk 

  • assessing the nature and extent of that risk

  • developing the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned. 

Visiting speakers to the academy 

Harris Academy Chafford Hundred utilises the expertise of a wide range of guest speakers, lecturers, authors and visitors to enrich and augment the curriculum and learning opportunities of our students.

However, the safeguarding of our students is at the forefront of everything we do. To ensure that guests and visitors’ information is in line with our own values and ethos the academy completes a rigorous process of checks. By completing these checks, the academy is confident that we are protecting our students from extremist views such as radicalisation and homophobia while enjoying the wide benefits of external speakers. 

All visitors to the academy are expected to follow the Visitors' Code of Conduct. 

Radicalisation and extremism 

The academy believes and actively supports the view that all students should be protected from radicalisation and extremism. Download a Parent’s Guide to Extremism and Radicalisation


Parent Info is a regularly updated feed of expert information, advice and sources of support for parents on a whole range of parenting themes - the emphasis being on helping parents and carers develop their children's resilience to the risks and pressures they face in today's world. 


The online world is a wonderful place for young people to explore, with unprecedented opportunities for learning and creativity. But just like the real world there are risks and dangers they should be aware of, and which we can act to protect them from. Although the academy teaches students e-safety as part of the curriculum, it is vital that parents are aware of the risks too, and what they can do to develop a culture of e-safety in the home. 

This page has some helpful resources for parents that will enable you to help your child stay safe online. If you have any concerns about your child's e-safety, there is always someone at the academy who is available to talk to you. Simply call the school and ask for our Safeguarding Officer, Sarah Downey, or speak to any member of staff. Our e-safety policy can be found below. 

Monitoring online activity

We monitor students' use of the internet by using filters and monitoring systems (Securus). Securus is monitoring software that can monitor a wide range of devices. It monitors against an inbuilt library of keywords and phrases organised into categories with each one given a default severity rating.

The library is developed in partnership with a number of charities and specialist organisations within law enforcement and child protection. The programme monitors both online and offline material and recognises inappropriate or harmful content, words and phrases. 

A screen shot (known as a ‘capture’) plus other details is taken of every incident triggered, showing what was displayed at the time, who was involved and when the incident took place. This information is shared with the DSL and Head of Academy, allowing Academy staff to implement further actions or interventions as required.

Think You Know 

The Think You Know website is created by the police for parents of children at secondary school. It contains useful information about: 

  • what children are doing online 

  • how to talk to children about what they are doing online 

  • what risks your child might face 

  • what tools are there to help them stay safe. 

Think You Know have also produced a Parents Guide to E-Safety and also the following booklets to provide parents/carers with helpful information on how to explore and monitor their children’s apps. 


The term ‘sexting’ describes the use of technology to share intimate images of yourself. It’s a word-mix of sex and texting. The content can vary, from text messages to images of partial nudity to sexual images or videos. For more information and guidance for parents and children visit the Childnet website

Other useful resources 

List of helpful online resources produced by Childnet– Visit the ‘Know It All’ Section for an interactive guide about online safety – Free up-to-date security advice – Online support for children – Website of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre - resources for professionals working in the area of safeguarding with children and young people, but could be of interest to parents too 

What is a 'money mule'? 

More young people across the UK are being approached by criminals who want to use their bank accounts or pin numbers for criminal purposes. This is called being a ‘money mule’. A ‘mule account’ is used to hide money that comes from illegal activities. The young person may be asked to transfer money, allow access to their account or open up a new one. Sometimes criminals will try and force young people to become mules or they might offer financial incentives such as cash or mobile phone credit. 

We need your support to help educate young people around this issue. Has your child been approached or asked for their bank account to be used? Check any bank statements. Is there money going in and out that cannot be accounted for? Ask questions if you are unsure about anything. 

Bank accounts are private and must only be used by the account holder. Any misuse could not only be criminal but could cause serious credit issues for the account holder. Police are working in partnership with many schools across London to combat this issue. If you have any concerns, speak to your Safer Schools Police Officer (see below) and/or Action Fraud ( on 0300 123 2040

Drugs networks ('County lines') 

The National Crime Agency, the UK body charged with fighting organised crime, is very concerned that crime gangs are taking over drug networks using telephone hotlines (called 'county lines') and recruiting vulnerable people, often children, to act as couriers and to sell drugs. Please see our information sheet about 'county lines' and 'cuckooing' the practice whereby professional drug dealers take over the property of a vulnerable person and use it as a place from which to run their drugs business. Below you will see some web links to various campaigns and research on county lines. 

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