Exam Results Key Stage 4 and 5
Exam Results 2023 - 24
Key Stage 4
- Our Progress 8 score is +1.04
- Our Attainment 8 score is 61.1
- 75% of students achieved Grade 5 or above in English and Maths
- 89% of students achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Maths
- 85% of students were entered for the EBacc with 65% achieving a 4+ and 45% a 5+
Key Stage 5
- A Level Value Added Score: -0.23
- Average Result B
- Vocational Value Added Score: +0.35
View our performance page on the Department for Education website. View our official school data for our 16-19 provision.
Students at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred Celebrate GCSE Success
Celebrations were in full swing at HACH in August after our GCSE cohort achieved brilliant results across the board, including almost 90% receiving a grade 4 or above in English and Maths.
Some of the students celebrating today include:
· Matei who achieved nine 9s and two 8s;
· Zachar who achieved nine 9s and one 8;
· Aston who achieved seven 9s and two 8s;
· Parth who achieved seven 9s and four 8s;
· Deya who achieved six 9s and four 8s;
· Eshaal who achieved nine 9s and three 8s;
· Meg who achieved six 9s and four 8s;
· Jaclyn who achieved six 9s and four 8s;
· Ameer who achieved five 9s and five 8s;
· Sneha who achieved five 9s and four 8s;
These strong GCSE outcomes round off a highly successful year at the Academy, which was judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in March.
Congratulating the students, Jamie Maxted, Head of Academy of Harris Academy Chafford Hundred, said:
“I am very proud our Year 11 students for achieving such excellent results, especially given the disruption they have seen to their education in recent years. What a wonderful reward for their diligence and focus!
“Likewise, I’m so grateful for our amazing staff who, as well as supporting the Academy to achieve an outstanding Ofsted outcome this year, have worked tirelessly to help all our students reach their full potential.
“I look forward to seeing our students continue to thrive in the future as they embark on the next stage of their education.”