Harris Academy Chafford Hundred is rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted.
"Pupils thrive at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred”
Harris Academy Chafford Hundred is proud to have been judged Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted.
Harris Academy Chafford Hundred “challenges pupils to do exceptionally well. Teachers set them work that is highly demanding. With the exemplary support of staff, and each other, pupils rise to this challenge. As a result, pupils achieve very highly.”
Harris Academy Chafford Hundred has been judged as Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted for the second consecutive occasion following our previous Outstanding judgment in November 2011.
Inspectors praised our curriculum offer across all year groups that takes students “beyond the expectations of the National Curriculum” and acknowledged that we “thought very carefully” about curriculum and were “highly ambitious” in what we want our students to learn in line with our ethos that “knowledge is power, we make it stick.”
As a result, the team of inspectors noted that all students produce high quality work at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred, including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.
Inspectors recognised that students at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred have “access to a huge range of opportunities to develop their interests, character and confidence” including through PSHE, trips and clubs, and that our careers provision “raises aspirations.”
Our students “conduct themselves with real maturity” and “are highly focussed and active learners.” Inspectors were impressed with the behaviour and conduct of our students as well as the sense of community in our school. Sixth Form students were judged to be “very well prepared for adulthood” and praised for their contributions to the wider school community. Students feel safe at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred and reflected that “while this is a school with a strong sense of community, it welcomes their diversity.
We are delighted with the judgements given by Ofsted and will continue to work relentlessly in the service of our community and the wonderful students at our school.
You can access our full 2024 OFSTED report here and here.