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Rain might have tried to steal the show in Cádiz, but the sun and smiles took the crown! ☀️☔️Grateful for the unforgettable moments and vibrant energy of this beautiful city😍. Cheers to adventures in every weather! 💎🔵 ádizChronicles ☀️


Rain might have tried to steal the show in Cádiz, but the sun and smiles took the crown! ☀️☔️Grateful for the unforgettable moments and vibrant energy of this beautiful city😍. Cheers to adventures in every weather! 💎🔵 ádizChronicles ☀️


Our student's travelled to a nice part of the world🇪🇸 but never once shyed away from extracting the cultural capital they will need for their live's beyond school. We had lots of fun but learnt a lot too! 💎🔵


Nothing to see here ladies and gents. Only a few cool students from the 67th highest performing secondary school out of 4,000+ secondaries, including grammar schools 😎✌️ 💎🔵


Nothing beats a school trip abroad 🛫 with your mates - new places to see, good vibes and memories that last a life time! 💎🔵



Looks like our HACH students are loving the new addition to the playground! ⚽️🎾 Football tennis is a hit! Even staff can't resist joining in on the fun😂! Summer is looking very promising! 💎🔵


Shout out to the wonderful women of the HACH family, students, staff, parents and the world! 💎🔵


We love seeing HACH students thrive outside of their school environment! 🔥 One of our Year 7 students has been awared 1st place with a new PB of 8.37, representing Thurrock Harriers in Athletics 🏃🥇 💎🔵


A huge thank you to Mr. Uddin for hosting our first Ramadan assembly! 🙌 Mr Uddin covered what Ramadan will look like at HACH. Staying true to the goal, they focused on their why, conduct, preparation, and how to make the most of the month of fasting 🌙🕌. 💎🔵


Disneyland Paris students have just arrived at Dover! ETA: 6:00PM @ HACH Car park 💎🔵


Beyond the classroom, we adventure together! Hach students & staff creating lasting bonds and unforgettable experiences at Disneyland Paris🇫🇷. So proud to be part of this team! 💎🔵#HachCircle


HACH are officially on French 🇫🇷 soil🫡! 💎🔵


Good afternoon everyone! A few inbound🛫 and outbound 🛬⛴️ HACH trips! Pompeii students have returned💪 Year 10 and 11 students still enjoying Iceland🇮🇸 Students are en route to Disney Land Paris 🇫🇷 💎🔵


Heading back, after a day full of activities in Naples. Underground tunnels with gigantic water cisterns and exploring some Greek mythology at Naples Museum. Parents, we are about to take off


Yesterday’s adventures at Capri island. Hiking and exploring the secret gems of the island.


🚨Character Merit Shop🚨 Well done to everyone who left home with goodies🍬🏆🥇 from your efforts going above & beyond🚀 in and around the academy all year round! 💎🔵


Breathtaking views of Positano and Amalfi coast and the ancient city Poseidonia or Paestum with its gigantic temples.


Good evening year 11 HACH families! Just a quick message to let you know that Year 11s and staff have landed safely in Iceland 😍🙌 We’re looking forward to the fun and exploration! 💎🔵



Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















Careers advisors appointed by the Harris Federation, work with students on career planning.

Our careers advisor is Mrs Lesley Tannock and she can be contacted at

Within the academy our careers programme is led by Ms Emerson-Morris; you can contact her at or 01375 484580

You can download our Careers Policy here
You can download our Provider Access Policy here

There are many issues that often crop up in interviews, such as students readying themselves for the job market, students looking at university, students considering apprenticeships or even self-employment? Often students are not sure what further learning they will need to be able to do a particular career. Many students are unsure what type of career would even suit them. These, and many other issues, form the basis of careers guidance at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred.

For more information please follow:

LMI & Careers Information
Student Destinations
Local Apprenticeship Vacancies
Interested in working with us or our students?

Careers Events at HACH 23/24

In service of students making their mark on their futures our visitors and events academic year 2023/24 have so far included:​

  • London Philharmonic Orchestra workshops.

  • Jacqui Doyle-Price MP visiting our KS4 and KS5 students and participating in a lively political debate
  • Artist in Residence Ian Murphy working with our talented artists
  •  Harris Healthcare Day covering a wide range of career options with Health
  • Soccer Assist informing our talented football academy teams on USA Scholarship Opportunities

As part of our Black History Month celebrations, we had a range of inspirational BAME alumni present their career journeys to students ranging from music to fashion to investment banking and everything inbetween


Careers Events at HACH 22/23

Academic year 2022/23  included:

Sir Geoffrey Owen talk with Year 12 and 13 about the opportunities of a globalised economy

- Next Tech Girls Event working with Year 9 girls on careers in computing and STEM

- Year 7 and 8 talk with an architect about the power in their industry of learning languages 

- Whole school bespoke assembly from Saatchi and Saatchi alongside workshops for Y9-13 looking at real life advertising experiences of work. MORE HERE 

- SEND Coffee morning with South Essex College 

- Investment 2020 sessions for Year 10 - 13 about careers in investment banking

- NHS Careers Day

- Year 11 Futures Evening, featuring a number of local colleges and sixth forms

- An assembly for Year 9 by former Dragon's Den contestant and food entrepreneur Levi Roots about making your mark on the world of business.

- Into Careers Films Animation Workshop 

- Careers Fair COMING SOON


Careers in our Curriculum

Pathway to My Future @ HACH

Next Steps

As times change, so does the need to reflect and deliver important careers information in the most useable and appropriate manner and format.  For many young people - and adults alike- that format is the internet. It is accessible almost anywhere and, as long as it is suitably maintained, is pretty reliable.

Visit the Greater Essex Careers Hub YouTube Channel by clicking below

Channels4 profile








When considering exciting opportunities for future careers, it’s important to have a good understanding of employment prospects within different industries, ie. is it a growing or declining sector?

Please use our Labour Market Information for All widget below to explore which careers are projected to grow to help guide your decisions.

It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.

Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.


The websites shown below generally fall into that category and are entirely suitable for use by, and for, young people. If some of them seem confusing – and some are! – please come and see the Careers Adviser. Every website listed below is free.

  • This is the national site for almost all apprenticeship applications nationwide. You will need to register an account with them (it’s free) but then you can search and apply for apprenticeships that you fancy doing.

  • Great site for finding out where the local learning opportunities for post-16 are. Search by course, subject or even provider. So, you could use it to find out if a particular college offered a particular A Level or BTEC, or just look for where the nearest learning provider is that does the course you want.

  • Lots of useful information, including how to choose careers by using some of the on-line inventories available. Also points you to on-line help and call centres for careers guidance.

  • Really user-friendly site. The ‘Buzz’ test is especially fun to do and might help reinforce career planning or help you think in a different direction. Great video clips and other careers tools to help young people decide.

  • Great site for videos. It includes lots of people talking about their careers, what brought them into it and what the job is really like. You just choose the career area you’re thinking of and then choose who you would like to listen to. It's very inspirational and the videos are short.

  • As it says, if you’re not thinking about university after Level 3 qualifications then take a look at this site. Not only is it packed with advice about opportunities but it also carries live vacancies. Not all the vacancies or opportunities will be in your locality, so you have to decide what to do at that point.

  • Search online for current apprenticeship vacancies with a link to online applications.

  • There are 350 careers in the NHS. Use this website to watch videos, read case studies and learn more about the largest UK employer with over 1.3 million employees.

Lots of career areas have sites that belong to their industry bodies. For example:

Student Destinations


Year 13 Destination Data 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
DESTINATION % of Yr group % of Yr group % of Yr group  % of Yr group  % of Yr group
Students going to Russell Group 24% 19%  25% 22% 20%
Non-Russell Group 57% 50%  51% 51% 51%
Oxbridge  0% 0.5%  1% 0.5% 0%
Apprenticeship 8% 6%  5% 6% 8%
Employment 9% 20%  12% 15% 18%
Gap Year / deferring university 2% 4% 5% 5% 3%
NEET >1% 0.5%  1% 0% 0%
Year 11 Destination Data 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Destination  % of Yr group % of Yr group % of Yr group  % of Yr group  % of Yr group 
Stay at Harris 6th form  54% 63%  60% 63% 58% 
Attend another 6th form  10% 10%  8% 6% 6%
College / Further Education 34% 24%  30%  30% 31%
Apprenticeship  2% 2%  >1% 1% 6%
Foundation course  >1% >1%  >1% 0% 0%


The most up to date Apprenticeship Vacancies in the local area can be found below in the page downloads


Thumbnail Levels of apprenticeships

Page Downloads

Filter Tool 26th Feb 2024 Download
Vacancy Report 19th Mar 2024 Download