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Our Year 9 Options evening last week was a huge success! 🎉 ✨ A big thank you to everyone who attended, the staff who stayed late to support, and the students who helped make the night run smoothly. 💎🔵


Year 10s in Ms. Hasyer’s class getting hands-on with the heart🫀 We’ve been diving deep into the structure and functions of the heart for GCSE Science, and what better way to learn than seeing it in real life? 🤩 💎🔵


Last week at HACH we were joined by Openroad and Thurrock Health Service to educate and empower our students! 🚨 Openroad led an eye-opening session on the major effects of drug usage, talking about the different classes of drugs and why it’s crucial to stay away from them💎🔵


We hope everyone is having a restful weekend and is ready to kick off the week! Back to it on Monday 💪. We love seeing all the amazing things our students have been creating, especially in subjects like food tech 🍽️—so much talent and creativity in the classroom!💎🔵


Year 9 work experience was a huge success! 🎉 These students have put in the effort, learned so much! A massive thank you to all the staff, businesses, and everyone involved for making this experience possible and helping our students shine! 🙌 💎🔵


Our Year 10 students are diving deep into their clothing brand proposals—thinking about everything from pricing to materials! 💥 They’re not just designing; they’re strategising how much each item will cost and what makes their pieces worth the investment 💎🔵


Another Year 10 student turning their merits into sweet rewards! 🍬💥 Jolly Ranchers on deck for all the hard work and hustle! Keep earning, keep shining! 🌟🔥


Big congrats for redeeming those merit points and treating themselves to some Jolly Ranchers! 🎉🍬 All that hard work definitely deserves a sweet reward! Keep it up, the effort really pays off! 💎🔵


✨ So inspired by our students!! Everyone has attended the character ambassador training in the conference centre today! 🌟 Witnessing their passion and creativity as they brainstorm ideas for school improvements is truly a joy☺️. 💎🔵


From out students: Caitlin, Connie, Ruby, Hareem, Bo and Sofia 💎🔵


End of year House assemblies are on the way! Kicking things off with 3rd place, House Constantia 💎🔵


A well utilised weekend refreshes the mind, recharges creativity and sets the stage for even greater learning🧠 ahead! Welcome back everyone! 💎🔵#HACHlife


With Christmas just around the corner, even the tiniest glimpse of the sun can't dim our holiday spirit! We're all smiles and festive cheer here at HACH! ☀️🎄


Thumbs up if your weekend is off to a great start! 💎🔵 #weekendvibes✨


Home is where the heart is 💎💙 On Monday, back to business as usual! 😊


Gotta love our year 10s 😂 💎💙#footballfanart


HACH students are rocking their house badges🛡️ with pride 🫡! Every badge🛡️ is a symbol of belonging to a house group named after 1️⃣of 5️⃣character traits! ✨ Next Month we get to find out which house has earned the most merits! 💎🔵


Smiles are contagious—spread them everywhere you go! 💎🔵#character 😊💕💜


🎉 A huge shoutout to all the HACH birthdays this term so far—may your year ahead be filled with joy, laughter, and all the best moments! 💎🔵 🎂🎈 🎂🎁🎉


Starting up the week on a ⬆️high note with stellar playground etiquette🛝 and display of good character🫡—proof that fun and respect go hand in hand! 💎🔵 Shout out to the HACH students hanging around!#HACH

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‘People power.’ This is politics in its simplest and yet most powerful form.  

To be a student of politics is to be a student of the world, a global citizen. The political landscape of the UK, and indeed the world, changes daily. By studying Government and Politics at A-Level, students will have the opportunity to learn about the mechanisms of political institutions, political ideologies, key individuals in political history and the impact that each of these have on the whole of society. Students will understand the ideologies, events and individuals that have shaped modern society. 

Our curriculum reflects the rapidly changing political issues, and to that end, our students explore themes such as the development of the UK’s democratic system and the nature of democracy, the role of political parties and the importance of the individual in the political process. Students will expand their studies to the USA, considered by some to be a ‘beacon of democracy’, learning about the nature of US democracy and the debates surrounding it, such as the nature of the US Constitution and States’ rights. Students will develop comparisons between US and UK political institutions, which will deepen their understanding of Politics as a discipline. To develop their understanding of theoretical politics, students will examine a range of political ideologies such as socialism, liberalism and conservativism, studying their emergence and impact, while also considering the influence it has had on the UK. By the end of their two-year study, our students have a refined understanding of the discipline of Politics, are equipped with the wisdom to understand the rapidly changing political landscape, and are successful, happy and informed citizens ready for university and for the career of their choice. 

Year 12 

Initially in Year 12 students study how people and politics interact in the UK. They will be required draw upon their analytical and evaluative skills learned in subjects such as History, Geography and English at GCSE when exploring the emergence and development of the UK’s democratic system and the role and importance of political parties. Underpinning this, students will explore the nature of democracy in the UK, often called the world’s oldest functioning democracy, which is unique and distinct compared to other countries. Furthermore, students will examine how electoral systems in the UK operate and how individuals and groups are influenced in their voting behaviour and political actions. Students will again draw upon their analytical and evaluative skills to apply them in a more complex fashion when studying the rules governing politics in the UK, the UK Constitution, which is distinct and almost unique in its nature compared with other countries. As lessons progress, students will cover the role of the legislative, executive and judiciary branches in the UK as well as the relationships between them. Towards the end of year 12, students will begin their exploration of political ideologies, learning about the central ideas and principles of each ideology, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy. Finally, focus will move to the debates and divisions within each idea and the core beliefs of key thinkers in each ideology, such as Karl Marx, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes. Year 12 provides students with a solid foundation of political understanding and by the end of the year they will be able to debate and critique all aspects of both politics and government in the UK, and also compare the stance of different ideologies on key areas such as human nature, the economy and society. 

Year 13 

Year 13 begins for students with the study of a non-core ideology, such as anarchism or multiculturalism, which provides students with a broader perspective on political thought. Following on from this, students begin their study of the people and politics in the US democratic system, initially exploring the nature of the US Constitution and its comparison to the UK.  Progressing on from this, students will examine the electoral process and the emergence of the two-party system.  Similarly to their study of UK politics, students will learn about the major branches of the US government, the legislative, executive and judiciary, as well as the relationships between them. Alongside their study of US politics students will learn to conduct comparative analysis by considering the similarities and differences between the US and UK political systems. By the end of Year 13, students will have mastered their analytical and evaluative skills when interpreting political information covering the rules governing US politics and the core ideas behind ideologies, while also being able to critically analyse and evaluate the debates and arguments central to these themes. They will be able to evaluate whether ‘liberty and justice for all’ has been achieved in the USA, whilst interrogating the debates around the nature of democracy in the USA while also having the ability to compare and contrast political institutions in the US with those in the UK. 


UK Government LTP 2023 14th Sep 2023 Download
UK Politics LTP 2023 14th Sep 2023 Download
USA LTP 2023 14th Sep 2023 Download