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Rain might have tried to steal the show in Cádiz, but the sun and smiles took the crown! ☀️☔️Grateful for the unforgettable moments and vibrant energy of this beautiful city😍. Cheers to adventures in every weather! 💎🔵 ádizChronicles ☀️


Rain might have tried to steal the show in Cádiz, but the sun and smiles took the crown! ☀️☔️Grateful for the unforgettable moments and vibrant energy of this beautiful city😍. Cheers to adventures in every weather! 💎🔵 ádizChronicles ☀️


Our student's travelled to a nice part of the world🇪🇸 but never once shyed away from extracting the cultural capital they will need for their live's beyond school. We had lots of fun but learnt a lot too! 💎🔵


Nothing to see here ladies and gents. Only a few cool students from the 67th highest performing secondary school out of 4,000+ secondaries, including grammar schools 😎✌️ 💎🔵


Nothing beats a school trip abroad 🛫 with your mates - new places to see, good vibes and memories that last a life time! 💎🔵



Looks like our HACH students are loving the new addition to the playground! ⚽️🎾 Football tennis is a hit! Even staff can't resist joining in on the fun😂! Summer is looking very promising! 💎🔵


Shout out to the wonderful women of the HACH family, students, staff, parents and the world! 💎🔵


We love seeing HACH students thrive outside of their school environment! 🔥 One of our Year 7 students has been awared 1st place with a new PB of 8.37, representing Thurrock Harriers in Athletics 🏃🥇 💎🔵


A huge thank you to Mr. Uddin for hosting our first Ramadan assembly! 🙌 Mr Uddin covered what Ramadan will look like at HACH. Staying true to the goal, they focused on their why, conduct, preparation, and how to make the most of the month of fasting 🌙🕌. 💎🔵


Disneyland Paris students have just arrived at Dover! ETA: 6:00PM @ HACH Car park 💎🔵


Beyond the classroom, we adventure together! Hach students & staff creating lasting bonds and unforgettable experiences at Disneyland Paris🇫🇷. So proud to be part of this team! 💎🔵#HachCircle


HACH are officially on French 🇫🇷 soil🫡! 💎🔵


Good afternoon everyone! A few inbound🛫 and outbound 🛬⛴️ HACH trips! Pompeii students have returned💪 Year 10 and 11 students still enjoying Iceland🇮🇸 Students are en route to Disney Land Paris 🇫🇷 💎🔵


Heading back, after a day full of activities in Naples. Underground tunnels with gigantic water cisterns and exploring some Greek mythology at Naples Museum. Parents, we are about to take off


Yesterday’s adventures at Capri island. Hiking and exploring the secret gems of the island.


🚨Character Merit Shop🚨 Well done to everyone who left home with goodies🍬🏆🥇 from your efforts going above & beyond🚀 in and around the academy all year round! 💎🔵


Breathtaking views of Positano and Amalfi coast and the ancient city Poseidonia or Paestum with its gigantic temples.


Good evening year 11 HACH families! Just a quick message to let you know that Year 11s and staff have landed safely in Iceland 😍🙌 We’re looking forward to the fun and exploration! 💎🔵



Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















All pupils should be enabled to participate in and gain knowledge, skills and understanding associated with the artistic practice of drama. Pupils should be able to adopt, create and sustain a range of roles, responding appropriately to others in role. They should have opportunities to improvise, devise and script drama for one another and a range of audiences, as well as to rehearse, refine, share and respond thoughtfully to drama and theatre performances. 

What is expected for GCSE? And A Level? 

Component 1 Devising/reinterpretation of a script with links to practitioners 

Component 2 study of a set text for performance 

Component 3 written paper study of a text/live theatre performance 


At Harris Chafford Hundred 


  1. To perform various roles in relation to different genres of theatre, for example Pantomime yr7, Melodrama year8, Frantic assembly in year9. (Not Shakespeare as they study this in English) 

  1. To devise work based on a stimulus and topics for example Conflict in year7, Fair trade in year 8, Nature v Nurture in year9 

  1. To watch professional performance work and analyse key features of Performance skills, movement, costume design, stage design, lighting design, use of music. 

  1. To develop written work to prepare pupils using key terminology that is required for the written paper at GCSE and A Level 

  1. They always consider their Target audience. 

  1. They start to learn about Practitioners in year 9 in preparation for exam work. 

Year by Year 

Year 7  

This year group do basic skills of performance working on confidence, teamwork, co-operation, and improvisation, into script work where they use their basic skills, followed by genre (Pantomime) looking at the historical context. They study three texts Ernie’s incredible illucinations, The tree, and white feather. They finish the year enabling all learners to contribute to the class study of Matilda the musical creating physical movement work as a whole class. 

Year 8 

This year group does a similar pattern to year 7 only starting with a genre of Melodrama instead of basic skills, (but all year groups constantly re-visit skills/keywords throughout the year) 

They begin with Melodrama because it has links to pantomime and can be compared. Then they do a script called Trainers looking at Fair Trade. In term 2 they do an extended project on, The old Vic version of A Monster calls based on the novel by Siobhan Dowd looking at a professional production to study use of chorus sound lighting and staging. They study character relationships and the role of the Monster. They finish the year looking at a comedy play called The government inspector and finish studying Hairspray as a musical theatre style study which looks at the historical story of segregation in America in the late 1950’s early 1960’s. 

Year 9 

This year group start the year with studying DNA a past GCSE text about peer pressure. In term 2 they study Everyman a performance by Splendid which teaches pupils about the practitioner Brecht, Abstract concepts of performance, which enables pupils to compare their work with a professional company like splendid. They do re-visit devising/movement work by Frantic assembly, another company that is useful knowledge should pupils choose GCSE, by studying the performance of Things I know to be true. Then like year7/8 re-visit devising work by writing scripts based on the topic Nature V nurture, with links to the true-life story of Let Him Have it. At the end of the year, they study the musical Billy Elliot studying the historical story of the miners' strike during Thatcher times. 

Year 10 

In year 10 pupils begin the course studying drama practitioners from Stanislavski use of realism to Frantic assembly, DV8, Brecht, Berkoff and splendid. They will work to create interesting performances through devising a performance based on a stimulus such as a picture. Song, poem, or statement. They will study the text an inspector calls by priestly developing knowledge of exam style questions to expect in the written paper.  

Year 11 

In year 11 pupils finish devising their work for component 1 and learn their script performance for the visiting examiner and continue to develop writing skills for the written paper. They will use a variety of texts for component 2 work as a contrast to An inspector calls, which enable students to learn about different time periods of texts with different key themes. They will continue to develop their use of Drama mediums and conventions. 

They will continue to study the use of costume, lighting and sound and will be visiting the theatre to see Ocean at the end of the Lane by the national Theatre on the 22nd November to help them study profession use of staging lighting and sound and acting moments.